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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. Thought it was supposed to make 1000..... :dumb:
  2. Maybe even doin just the wheel lips white
  3. Fucking awesome. I'm moving out west
  4. does anyone feel like doing a photoshop and paint the wheels white for me? im throwin around the idea....or even selling them and going bigger....hehehehe
  5. I bet it hooks worse than a drunk tow truck driver.
  6. im talking about the media side of things. its just a shame how we were destroyed by big media and this is taking a back seat to stories about jay cutlers diabetes. Its horseshit.
  7. If this was osu we would have been banned from college football.
  8. What happend to them getting the dead penalty? Lol
  9. Stock fox body Stock Monte Carlo ss (late 90's) Car from Joe dirt 89 supra (beat dicks) Cordells old s10
  10. If I say something I might get banned.
  11. oh8sti

    Cr awards 2011

  12. i know that lol i just dont know how i got so many infraction points. i thought they went away after a while.
  13. i was banned for telling "Di" to post a picture of herself to let people know she doesnt look like the cat lady at the end of the street. I would want to know what someone looks like if they wanted to move into my house. I dont know what she looks like and honestly dont give a flying fuck cause, i only let super models in my house (fact). i personally DO NOT WANT. So copperhead i guess felt like swinging his edick and wanted to be the knight in shining armor and save her from my apparent "leg humping".
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