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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. She did pron? I watched every second of that with the weirdest boner.
  2. Must not know about Tim and Eric
  3. Bump for a bike ive always wanted. Sumo FTMFW
  4. One of the best defenses in the nation. Just sayin...
  5. National champ run(if not sanctioned) this year. You heard it hear first. Emotion is the driving force behind championships, there is a lot of that at the woody these days.
  6. oh8sti

    Hightower dead

    Police.....what? .......?
  7. He sure can take a lot of paint! That made me in paint just watching. I'm gonna go paint now.
  8. Nothing like a good skunk fuck :masturboy:
  9. Well came in early tonight. Had a bad case of swamp ass. Will try again tomorrow night with Kyle from PPC. He was first on the list of applicants that wanted to try his luck at blowing these EM EFFERS to the grave.
  10. I'll come get it from you. Coyotes love skunks. Nit kidding at all.
  11. Why can't you use that for a skunk? It's just a smaller, smellier striped cat.
  12. The ones I find out here are super slow. So I just walk up behind them and turn thier heads inside out with my .45 Maybe some other resident hunters can give you an idea as to what food to try. Cat food, fish eggs, Cat food/poop/fish egg combo?
  13. Lol. Probly a trap that lures them in and then closes behind them. Might take a few trys to get the skunk, more than likely you'll catch a cat or raccoon. That's the best way tho. Then shoot in face with 12g. Should put it down quick and humane.
  14. There are plenty of us on the board here that would love to take care of your problem he he he he he te te he he:masturboy:
  15. Haha nothing but there seems to e a grown waiting list. This place is peppered with these fuckers. I can only take 2 at the most, I will just be spotting with my night vision/red light, not shoot. The average size right now is around 40lb I'd say. I know there are bigger ones i have seen but ive only been able to get ones around that weight. IIRC the all black one that was taken not too long ago was about 52lbs. I'll shoot my dude a text and ask him
  16. Doing it now lol Have you tried this Austin?
  17. Well I got one last night. The fog rolled it pretty quick right as he jumped into the corn field. Took the shot and watched as he scrambled around falling and shit. The fog was to dense to track him last night so I went this morning only to find massive amounts of blood and his carcass. Looks like the others ate him haha. I'll take my phone put there and snag a pic if there is anything left. Goin out again tonight. They just keep coming back.
  18. I'm gonna email him and see if he will donate an R1 to me. You know like an old one he Nevers rides.
  19. Tim anytime you want to.....exterminate ...a....few....let me know.
  20. I try year round. I don't care about the furs, I just want them dead. Too many dogs around us, not including the 4 at my parents. I think I've mentioned before, but they have killed at least 1 of our beagles for sure, the other just disappeared.
  21. *looking everywhere for a granade*
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