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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. That was the hardest meeting I had to sit through early this morning. I knew it was bad when I pulled into the woody and the cops had to check me in. There were only about 10-15 of us that were there cause most are out of town for the holiday. This is hard for all the guys. I still stand by him without a doubt, one of the best man I have got to know.
  2. My asshole just laughed when I read this, Welcome "female"
  3. Hard to hear, would be even harder to see. Very sad news. I will keep it in my thoughts. Stay safe everyone, this is a busy weekend for driving and riding. RIP
  4. I do think a high security deposit would be a good idea if one has acess to te work bays/lifts/tools. That would insure if tools went missing there would be a fund to pull from and everyone would know that. I would think it would keep the sticky fingers out. Maybe im talking outta my ass, just a thought.
  5. Very interesting idea, I have nothing to work on, and you know doc if I did I always need Help if I need to work on something. Honestly this would probly get me more interested in hanging out with all my old buddies again. I don't like to deal with the riffraff on the sawmill meets ect. I'm more of a social guy anyway, I do like the idea though.
  6. Get a job Profit Get a college degree Profit
  7. Dover and i had a similar convo last night. i was hammered i dont know if he was though.
  8. I don't need to worry about any booting, rooting or tooting. My phone works great.
  9. Ill ask my brother when i see him tomorrow
  10. I also wouldn't want your car if you paid me to take it. Real talk :dumb:
  11. Laying more rubber than a Trojan factory
  12. That driver crossed the double yellow more times than I can count. The bike passed it 1 time. The truck was reckless and had a disregard for human life. He is in the wrong.
  13. Dear lord shut the fuck up already about the spelling and wordage
  14. i like the rubberlayin threads. Therefore they should stay.
  15. you also have a small penis. sooooo :dumb:
  16. Just pm me the idea and I'll take care of getting it copywrited for ya. :gabe:
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