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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. So much nutswinging/cockgobbling goin on in here.
  2. bbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmm:masturboy: lemme come drive it :dumb:
  3. jesus...what kind of power are we talkin?:masturboy:
  4. i :lolguy: 'd at this haha
  5. Get a gun wave it around in his face?
  6. #youdonthaveachance:lolguy:
  7. My brother has one, it's an 06 and he drives the piss out of it. So far it Has 70k miles on it and he replaced the clutch a few weeks ago. Nothing major.
  8. Look what black people are making white people do!! Acting like gangstas! Act a fool!
  9. Oh my gawd is erething Olay?!!!??!!:masturboy:
  10. http://dav.typepad.com/.a/6a00d834581abf69e201157202fd29970b-pi
  11. lol that was a joke from a while back. Kennypowerz or whatever his name is "bought" a LT1 car and used it as his avatar for a while then about 3 weeks later he goes "i didnt buy it". But started a shit ton of threads about having it or something. It was lame, i capitalized on it.
  12. 2 chicks? thats it? :lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy: ive got 4 wet n ready at my call.
  13. :dumb: I'm the one that's gay, when your the one driving a rattle canned turd? :lolguy:
  14. And your still gonna beat your acorn raw around 2am cause your forever alone.
  15. are integras rare? :masturboy:
  16. So it's true....:masturboy:
  17. Couple pics of mine http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/IMG_5709.jpg?t=1304703829 http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/IMG_5710.jpg?t=1304703829 http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/IMG_5711.jpg?t=1304703829 http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/IMG_5712.jpg?t=1304703829
  18. http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/forever-alone-1-1.jpg?t=1304703623
  19. http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu130/oh8ti/rage_face-1.jpg?t=1304702792
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