Bought a salvage bike, passed inspection, got my tags, got stranded at the store! 2004 CBR1000rr The bike will run no problem with no issues, when it is on... If I ride for a couple hours and stop somewhere it wont start up after that. If I dont drain the battery out by attempting to start it, then it will start the next day.(maybe sooner, but havent had more time to assess) When it doesnt start, it does crank for a while until the battery goes completely. then the solenoid just clicks, but the longer it sits, the battery seems to regain power? more lights and even cranking again within a hour. without a charge. Bought a new battery from IronPony today and it did the same thing! I have jumped the bike with battery chargers and a car several times, each time it starts right up and stays running. I suspect the charging system, but im stuck as the battery magically regains strength. I hope the problem is minor, as I can fix it myself with a little direction. Thanks for any help guys. OK so i brokedown and took it to pony powersports service shop. After a few days they said charging system was fine and faulted the battery, they gave it a full charge nd sent me on my way, didnt even charge me for the service as i bought the battery from them. same problems though, now im really at a loss. Seems like the problem happens more if I am city traveling, hotter the bike more subject to not start. is there a common problem that would make the charging system not properly chrge when hot, or could my starter relay have a negative reaction for heat? I have an undertail exhaust and the pipe runs right next to the battery, could this be bad for it?