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Everything posted by cclay

  1. hey, still interested in the gauge... call or text me 330-883-4269
  2. pm me, i need that gauge. and if you know where i can get some fairings that be great too
  3. cclay

    2002 R1 parts

    I give you $50 for the micron.. call or txt Clay 330-883-4269
  4. Bought a salvage bike, passed inspection, got my tags, got stranded at the store! 2004 CBR1000rr The bike will run no problem with no issues, when it is on... If I ride for a couple hours and stop somewhere it wont start up after that. If I dont drain the battery out by attempting to start it, then it will start the next day.(maybe sooner, but havent had more time to assess) When it doesnt start, it does crank for a while until the battery goes completely. then the solenoid just clicks, but the longer it sits, the battery seems to regain power? more lights and even cranking again within a hour. without a charge. Bought a new battery from IronPony today and it did the same thing! I have jumped the bike with battery chargers and a car several times, each time it starts right up and stays running. I suspect the charging system, but im stuck as the battery magically regains strength. I hope the problem is minor, as I can fix it myself with a little direction. Thanks for any help guys. OK so i brokedown and took it to pony powersports service shop. After a few days they said charging system was fine and faulted the battery, they gave it a full charge nd sent me on my way, didnt even charge me for the service as i bought the battery from them. same problems though, now im really at a loss. Seems like the problem happens more if I am city traveling, hotter the bike more subject to not start. is there a common problem that would make the charging system not properly chrge when hot, or could my starter relay have a negative reaction for heat? I have an undertail exhaust and the pipe runs right next to the battery, could this be bad for it?
  5. problem resolved guys... appreciate all the good info. I def had it all put together right, the chain was just very worn. had a mech look at it and he couldnt find any probs. got a new chain and sprocket andeverything works fine. mech said the fact that i had the chain laying out in the sun for a few hours sunday might have made it expand more then what it was while on the bike. the heat factor with no tension restraint would easily expand an aged and unproperly cared for chain. im strapped, lubed and ready to bust again!
  6. lol... tiz enough slack to slip off the sprocket. I dont kno how it got like that. i imagine the chain has stretched a bit and its got many miles on it. but it was cool 3 days ago... im pretty fed up with it, takin pics tomorrow and posting. need some seasoned eyes to look at it probably end up taking links off but def need someone to look at it and become as dumbstruck as i have. speaking of girlfriend, duty calls... preciate the opinions fellas
  7. chain had popped before on me but after i tightened it the slack wasnt anywhere near as much as it is now. could be possible as i didnt check the slack just tightened it, i def woulda noticed a 3 to 4 in slack tho.
  8. went to get new nut for tension bolt... didnt adjust the suspension but i did use a car jack to lift it and put jack stands on the swing are to hold up. could lifting it by the suspension piece adjust the suspension? chain is definitely on the front sprocket, checked 3 times. it was fine before i changed the tire, rode it everyday to work.
  9. ...tire was bald ...pulled it off ...bought new tire ...put tire back on ...axel is pulled back as far as it can go ...tension bolts tight ...chain is correctly attached to both sprockets(front/rear) chain slack is about 3 inches!!!! WTF did i do wrong? it was fine before but now it is way too loose. could the front sprocket have adjusted somehow?
  10. yea i feel real dumb about that, i know thats whats wrong when a car does the same thing but didnt make the connection. Only have the bike a couple months and the guy i bought it from put the wrong bulb in it. didnt find out til i replace it with the same wrong bulb then tore down the electrical trying to trace the problem and then checked the other side to match up the working bulb. 3 hours of being a mentally challenged. shuda just bought the bulb fluid! o yea, n made 2 trips to iron pony bc a parts guy swore on his life a 7.5watt bulb could replace a 23 watt! wanted to punch em in his throat when i got back bc i knew he was full of it. then they didnt have the right bulb at all, so i had to buy the whole turn signal just to ride yesterday. $20fix
  11. appreciate the info fellas.... results to come tomorrow
  12. Hey anyone ever have a problem where the turn signal lights up but doesnt flash? both front and back lights come on but it just stays lit til i turn it of. and it only does this on one side. My left signal works fine but the right just stays stuck!
  13. thanks for the reply man. all of that info sounds bad to me. funny thing is the 1st and 2nd gear are sometimey. like when i first start it and its in 1st, then it will push a lil. after it warms up, nothing. also when i shift up to 2nd or 3rd it stutters. like something is slipping but i wouldnt know if its what your referring to in your post. havent seen any flakes in oil, so i dont think its toast. as it is i never shift outta 3rd so i dont think im making more damage. would you be able to take a look at it? not askin to tear it down but i'd be willing to come to you for a little more specific diagnosis. appreciate your time
  14. im clay, 24, first bike, trynna ride as much as i can then getn a new bike come spring
  15. :confused:Hey guys, just bought my first bike and it needs some work. 88 suz kat 600. yep its old and i paid pennies for it but didnt wanna invest on something i might lay down a few times... When im in first or second gear i dont get any push. no matter how i let off the clutch or how much gas i give it. Once im in 3rd i can go but have to give gas before i let off clutch or it stalls. It rides as is in 3rd gear but is very wreckless on my part to ride like that. Rather not pay as much as i bought it for just to fix it. so if anyone has suggestions or ideas i greatly appreciate it. I bought the clymers manual with intentions on fixing it myself. but its def a bit beyond my comfort level.
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