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Status Updates posted by Bodyman

  1. Having a "Biker Sunday" at our church on 7-8-12. Its going to be an out-door service, with a cookout following. Then were planing a group ride afterwards. Please pass along the info. It is posted on the calendar, with address and all details. But, the more people that know, gives us the better chance to have a bigger group ride!!! Hope to see you, and many others there!!!

  2. Having a "Biker Sunday" at our church on 7-8-12. Its going to be an out-door service, with a cookout following. Then were planing a group ride afterwards. Please pass along the info. It is posted on the calendar, with address and all details. But, the more people that know, gives us the better chance to have a bigger group ride!!! Hope to see you, and many others there!!!

  3. Having a "Biker Sunday" at our church on 7-8-12. Its going to be an out-door service, with a cookout following. Then were planing a group ride afterwards. Please pass along the info. It is posted on the calendar, with address and all details. But, the more people that know, gives us the better chance to have a bigger group ride!!! Hope to see you, and many others there!!!

  4. Having a "Biker Sunday" at our church on 7-8-12. Its going to be an out-door service, with a cookout following. Then were planing a group ride afterwards. Please pass along the info. It is posted on the calendar, with address and all details. But, the more people that know, gives us the better chance to have a bigger group ride!!! Hope to see you, and many others there!!!

  5. Having a "Biker Sunday" at our church on 7-8-12. Its going to be an out-door service, with a cookout following. Then were planing a group ride afterwards. Please pass along the info. It is posted on the calendar, with address and all details. But, the more people that know, gives us the better chance to have a bigger group ride!!! Hope to see you, and many others there!!!

  6. Having a "Biker Sunday" at our church on 7-8-12. Its going to be an out-door service, with a cookout following. Then were planing a group ride afterwards. Please pass along the info. It is posted on the calendar, with address and all details. But, the more people that know, gives us the better chance to have a bigger group ride!!! Hope to see you, and many others there!!!

  7. Having a "Biker Sunday" at our church on 7-8-12. Its going to be an out-door service, with a cookout following. Then were planing a group ride afterwards. Please pass along the info. It is posted on the calendar, with address and all details. But, the more people that know, gives us the better chance to have a bigger group ride!!! Hope to see you, and many others there!!!

  8. Having a "Biker Sunday" at our church on 7-8-12. Its going to be an out-door service, with a cookout following. Then were planing a group ride afterwards. Please pass along the info. It is posted on the calendar, with address and all details. But, the more people that know, gives us the better chance to have a bigger group ride!!! Hope to see you, and many others there!!!

  9. Yes sir. Its on the event calendar. Would be great to see you there!!!

  10. Why would showing license plates in a pic be an issue???

  11. That makes sense. Never even thought about that. Kinda sucks, but understandable.

  12. What bike. I can only see the beautiful girl sitting on some blue thing!! LOL

  13. I posted a poll for the July 8th Event. Its a Blessing of the bikes, with an outdoor service, cookout, and group ride afterwards. Route to be planned, depending on group size.

  14. Trying to get in touch with Vector Victor. Call if you get this

  15. Just wanted to say hello to everyone.  Have not been on here, been busy with life.  Hoping to stay more active, and try to visit at some of the events

  16. Sounds good. Will probably be doing a little riding later tonight. Will for sure tomorrow. I will be out at the meet and greet, so regardless, I will probably get to meet up with you soon. Take care, James

  17. Curious if you are the one that painted the car rims? Or are those someone elses pics?

  18. I will have to check them out sometime. I feel you on the hat hair thing. Not that its an issue for me though! LOL

  19. Got that $10? I forgot to ask you, but need it now. Kinda broke.

  20. The event is actually in July, so your still more than welcome to attend! Really hope to see you there. It is listed on the calendar, let me know if you have any questions. We are having friends, food and fun!!! Before, and after the ride. It will be a great time. Looking to have a decent turn out! Really hope to see you there!!!!

  21. It's Sunday July 8th at 10am, is when actual service starts. Which usually lasts approimately 1.5 hrs. Then some food, and music, before the ride. Of course the Blessing of the Bikes will happen just before the ride. There will be games and all types of stuff for the kids, and family to do durring the ride. Then having additional food following. Just incase some of the folks had breakfast, and are hungry once we return from the ride. There is also a free concert at the church that evening as well!! Please try to attend, or pass the word along. Definiately something worth the time spent! We have great fellowship, which is what drew me to the church in the first place!!

  22. 216cityboy, abdecal, Anden, Exarch, FIJI-9-Brother, grapesmuggler27, jdonn, NinjaCisco, TheBrown57Hope to see this group actually attend our event. It will be a fun time! The entire family will have music, food, and games - before, durring, and after our ride. That is why we are having food before and after.There is also going to be a free evening concert. Will post those details soon.There will also be drawings. Have to get the details together on that,I will keep you informed.
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