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Everything posted by hardwired

  1. Yeah Rt 164 isn't bad, and if you get a chance take 517 east out of Lisbon to Rt7 (its a good twisty fun ride), then if you turn south on Rt7 towards East Liverpool sections of it is extreme curves once you go thru Rogers (home of the famous Rogers Auction).
  2. Blackberry ap called "Call Control" http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/3984
  3. Also the insurance issue is not as cut and dry as you might believe. If someone takes your bike for a test drive and crash, its your insurance that covers it not his. In other words...you have pay your deductible on your plan, and its all paid by your plan to be fixed. What does this mean? Your rates go up for someone else crashing your bike. This also holds true if you lend your truck/car to someone to haul a refrig/etc and they wreak it.
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