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Everything posted by scottb

  1. I will be at the track when the gates open Friday morning
  2. As Sammual Jackson would say " there is a Mother- F-ing Jujitsi knowing, F-bomb dropping, van driving, jackhandle swinging, cursing like a sailor chic in my Morther F-ing pre-fabricated home park"...
  3. I'll stop by and say hi. I'll be at the campground near Honda bridge.
  4. I thought I was a rock star when i got my 80 column card for my Apple IIe, rocking the dual floppy drives and my 28.8 modem. Green screen display was were it was at.
  5. Good quality control Casper, checking all the zip disks.
  6. Just as long as none of them have the "click of death" issue
  7. good job Mags, now just need to add a twelve o'clock bar
  8. dang double post, so i deleted it
  9. Ask Kosmo about cloning, J/K ( and not computer harddrive cloning)..... And the topic from the table of drunken people was how to say the current time in Spanish.....good times.
  10. It could be some new way to celebrate a victory in Cornhole?
  11. I'll stop by later for the rest of the keg.....GLWS, oh sorry, wrong thread ending.
  12. thanks for having us out there
  13. They might need to do a little better in the customer service dept.
  14. Bratkar is sober: Mags dancing like Ellen from Sienfield: Kosmo almost getting hit with a shooting star: Random drunk guy: fire:
  15. Likwid realized the kart was not for him, so he tried something alittle bigger: Other party go-ers shotgunning Keystone: Not sure what is going on here: just getting started:
  16. Kosmo on the starting line: Always fun riding a street bike on wet greass: Kosmo can drive anything, even a go kart: Me on the kart, I dont quite fit on it too well, but it was fun.
  17. No pics of said incident to protect the guilty..i mean innocent. Bratkar is uploading pics now, I will post soon. Riding that go kart was like playing Mario Kart. The brakes sorta functioned, but instead of stopping power, they only provided "lose speed slowly" power. Think of the brakes from a vehicle on "Little House on the Praire", the metal rod just applied pressure to the tread part of the rear tires.
  18. Good times at Magzfest. The go-kart riding in the grass ride was fun. The beer was good too. I got home at 3AM.
  19. Do those speakers go to eleven,like in Spinal Tap?
  20. The house could become the OR clubhouse? Or were we holding out for Mike Tyson's house?
  21. My thoughts and prayers to her and her family.
  22. Thank you for the additional posts, and the offer for the M&P, think i am going with the XD.......
  23. I will be there, around 5 or so
  24. Update. I kinda like Speedy's XD, so i think i check that out. I also liked the Hammerli, for a .22
  25. happy b-day Mags....i'll get ya a beer this Saturday.....
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