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Posts posted by BusaHauty

  1. My friend's son is in DEEP DOO-DOO for having a gun on school property.....had a 38 in his waistband and "instilled panic" in a neighbor across the street who saw "teens with guns" at the elementary school basketball court. When the cops showed up, DO NOT PAST GO, DO NOT COLLECT $200 the sentence is way more severe for having a gun on school property.....he's 17 so he should have known better....dumbass.

  2. Some friends got hit On Sancus Blvd. last year leaving bike night by a woman driving an F150 TALKING ON HER CELL phone. The guy lost his leg from the knee down and the girl has had multiple surgeries on her heel so she can stand/walk. They were going straight thru a green light and the woman turned left right into them. T-bone style. They are very lucky to be alive.

  3. My chubby comments were directed towards the "fat chic jello shot pics". I don't know anyone on here by first name or face. I am free all next week if ANYONE wants to RIDE. I hate that the jokes went too far on BOTH sides and this is how things are. If ANYONE on here knew me, shit would be WAY different.

  4. Not this again......For those whose were actually IN THE THREAD yesterday, YOU know I did not downgrade any WOMAN RIDER on this site. I like how people jump in the mix 20 hrs after the fact. I am here to meet riders. That's all. Anyone who wants to ride, great.

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