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Status Updates posted by 20thGix

  1. Nope....not me. Grey and black helmet and jacket. Just like my avatar pic. But i did take my dads shadow around the block a couple times yesterday.

  2. How's the GPS mount workin for ya?

  3. yep thats the place. i remember you working there a few years back. i think i ran the Mazak 350 when you were there.

  4. made the mount myself. being a machinist i dont pay for anything i can make cheaper myself.

  5. I will see what i can do. I definatly want to get out again.

  6. I'm not going to make it. I was gone all-day yesterday which gave my wife time to make a honey-do list.

  7. The GPS mount i made myself. I machine alot of my own parts. I have extra what size hole is in your steering stem?

  8. Let me know when those meet/rides are in West Carrolton. I will try and make it down sometime.

  9. for whatever reason i cannot post a reply to your Oct 31 ride thread. This my be a retarded question but what or where is "IP". I may be interested in a ride.

  10. Dont know. Im having battery issues at the moment. Gonna try get it figured out tonight. dont want to drop 100 buck on a new battery if i dont have to. But its lookin that way. Will let you know.

  11. yeah i kind of looked as if i was hyjacking the DIY camera mount thread. For sale section seemed more appropraite. Needed the 50.

  12. DOH! still havent hit the 30 day mark.

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