IMO most sales hiring want fresh sales hiring so they will easily learn the process of that particular company rather than trying to teach "old dog new tricks". They don't want to deal with other company's habits, unless it falls in line with the current process.
When being hired for a sales position, try to take the excitement of the money capabilities out because they are also "selling" you on the position as well. Which this leads to make sure you understand how everything "pays" you. I find it funny to meet new salesmen and ask them how they are getting paid...It always leads too "I'm not really sure"
As a phone salesperson, I would think getting the phone script down that they have put into the process. Make sure you have it down word for word that they want, but when it comes time for you to make calls. Make it your own, without sounding like a scripted robot.
Be willing to role play through these events with coworkers to perfect your style. If you can't sell your coworker, how do you plan to sell a random person?