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Status Updates posted by flyboy1011

  1. ah damn man, I remember you now. How you been?

  2. for sure...you been up lately to see the "new" school?

  3. garage tomorrow....it's on like donkey kong biatch

  4. good seein' you last night, mang. thanks for comin out!

  5. haha I'll have to do that...one of my rotc buddy's drives a bus too. Do you know Evan Wells?

  6. haha that's for sure, but yeah, you probably wont see mine out till around april-ish :( when are you supposed to graduate?

  7. haha very nice...what are you studying?

  8. haha well that's pretty legit...I'm like right on the edge between letters for most of my classes, so i'm pretty anxious for grades to come out

  9. haha yeah that sucks. I went through that shit last summer.

  10. hahaha cuz I need to be making money right now rather than spending it

  11. hahaha i can't believe you're still riding...wayyyy too cold. brr

  12. hahaha it's all good, I kinda do the same thing. I'm usually all over the place, mostly at the hospital or outside of Jennings, sometimes in front of Scott labs, but I put my bike up like a month ago so I haven't been out for a while :(

  13. happy birthday, ass jockey

  14. hells yes...they're supposed to arrive on Friday. I'll hit you up.

  15. Hey I saw in one of your posts that you graduated from JHS...what year?

  16. Hey man, if you're still looking for me to go riding with your buddy with the F2, my bikes all good to go again so just let me know.

  17. hey thanks! hope yours went well also. You stayin' in columbus over break?

  18. How's your finals week lookin' this week?

  19. hurry up and finish with finals already so we can go to bars around campus and drink excessively to celebrate lol

  20. I just saw you riding down neil by the med center.

  21. I would if we were still havin one but that guy fuckin bailed on us cuz his sister has the swine flu...so as of now plans for all weekend are up in the air.

  22. I'm probably heading to the library for a while tonight to be very unproductive...let me know if you'll be joining in the festivities lol

  23. International studies with a specialization in security and intelligence and a minor in air science

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