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Everything posted by Curt_750F

  1. 1980 Honda CB750F Super Sport Mods: 79' CB750F Rims Clip ons Smaller mirrors...not those buggy looking things they came stock with Drilled brake rotors Stainless steel braided brake lines Chrome valve cover Stage 1 Dynojet jet kit K&N Drop in air filter New O-ring chain and sprockets Raaks Rearsets Rear fender removed LED turn signals CBR F2 ignition coils Mods to come: Get it running the way it should be and once I get another bike turn this into a track bike/vintage racer
  2. I put a K&N filter in but that didn't seem to do much.
  3. Ok this is going to be a long one...prepare yourselves. I have a 1980 CB750F. Before I left for a month of Army training I took her in to get a Dynojet stage 1 jet kit put in. Mind you I already had a Mac 4 to 1 exhaust system on, and was doing this jet kit to even it out. When I got back I rode for about 3 days and after those 3 days my bike began to run really bad. It would bog down around 5500 to 6000rpm. This got a bit worse over another day. New plugs...nothing same story. So I get a set of used coils and install them, nothing. Go back to the original coils and new plugs (because the others were really fouled). Ran great for 3 days and then did what I described eariler. So I upgrade my coils to 92 CBR F2 coils. Ran a bit better but still bogged down around 5K rpm. I'm going to clean and regap my plugs tomorrow to see what that does but other than that I'm at a loss. The big thing is I can't tell if it's electrical or carbs. I'm leaning more towards the electrical side. My plugs were very fuel fouled (dry black soot on them). I'm just at a loss. Any help would be greatly apperciated. Thanks, Curt
  4. Curt_750F


    Those pics are simply amazing. Ducati should put out a special 9/9/09 bike...hahaha
  5. Yup...Jeepfoum.com indeed. My username is curt41... I drive an 01 XJ
  6. Hey all, I go to school in BG. I ride a 1980 Honda CB750F, silver. It's quite loud. So if you are around BG you've probably heard it.
  7. Well I can't tell if it's a carb issue or a coil/electrical issue. I had a stage 1 jet kit put in by a mechanic, and mac 4 to 1. It ran great for about 3 days and then it started fuel fouling the plugs and running really rich. I've had the carbs checked twice since then and they say my mixture is fine. I ordered some cbr f2 coils, i hear they are a big upgrade for my bike.
  8. Ahhh yes, I do in fact go to Boys and Girls Sex University... Apparently it's not as rampant as they say, but my roomates have different girls over here all the time.
  9. Hey all, My name is Curt, if you could not tell by my screen name. Right now I'm a senior at BGSU up here in cold, windy, flat, northwest Ohio. Home is Centerburg, Ohio...Geographical center of Ohio, lame i know:D. Anyway, I've been riding since I was about 5 years old and have been going strong ever since. Currently I ride a 1980 Honda CB750F. It's a bit of a work in progress. I've been having some trouble with her lately but I should have her up in running fairly soon...hopefully. I am looking for another bike as a bit more of a reliable, newer bike. I've been looking all over for a SV1000 for under 4000k would be great. Look forward to posting on this forum...Look for me on Jeepforum and the CBF forum. Curt.
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