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Mr. Jones

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Everything posted by Mr. Jones

  1. "Mr. X, we understand you are all the rave with the young crowd"
  2. Mr. Jones


  3. Asshole?


  4. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/004/457/challenge.jpg
  5. You know we have swap meet sections, right?
  6. You kids be careful on your powered cycles.
  7. S4 > A4 > Toilet Full of corn shits > G37.
  8. :masturboy: There really is no such thing. Sans gutting cats, 99.9999% of dealers could care less about exhaust. MAG does quite a few exhaust installs on any given month, and are pretty mod friendly in my experience. There really is no grounds to void your power train warranty for a simple catback. Intakes tend to raise red flags, but they are worthless on just about any Audi. Get Awe Touring, sit back and listen to that sweeeeeet music.
  9. Mr. Jones


    Food before ?
  10. Mr. Jones


    Are you less deathly I'll this week?
  11. In my experience, handheld CB's suck when used inside a car. :fuuuu: I have a few wide-band receivers with various antenna's and even on channel 19's it can be dead silent until you stick it out the sunroof.
  12. We can do each other's hair? That's not gay, right? :fa:
  13. So much jelly and hatred for domestics in this thread. I thought CR was better than that. :fa:
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