Been stung by them twice now....
As Tom said, I go out of my way to pay the $5-10 for a garage.
I am making them wait for their money... I get a reminder every few months.
Way too busy tonight.
Idiots racing in the lot, stupid trucks with cop lights and sirens and generous stupidity.
Think I'll wait for it to die down a bit after the morons get it out of their system or we get kicked out of CC.
Link to product here:
Comes with remote, was used in a bedroom for a while but has now been in dust collection mode since being replaced. Good little set for a bedroom / kids room.
Used very little for a few planes/choppers last year.
Not really getting back into the hobby, and sticking to things to go fast on the ground.
Paid $160 from hurricane hobbies @ Polaris.
It's packed back in up in the box & plastic w/ the charger & manual like new again.
Sort Of On Topic:
On my way home the other night, (in the passat :fuuuu:) saw a beauty of an e92, white with "das v8" as the plate. Sounded like straight pipes, was loud as hell, which I loved.