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Alex L.

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Alex L. last won the day on August 25 2010

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About Alex L.

  • Birthday November 27

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    Hydraulic Elephant

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  1. Just do whatever you have to and go get educated. I wish I had went to college, but I know that then and now I wouldn't have patience for it. If you think you can make it through then do it. Believe me when I say that what job you get right out of high school doesn't matter, neither does your major in college, just that you're doing it. Live with your parents as long as you can stand it, and hold back temptation on buying stuff you can do without. As hard as that would've been when I was 17-18, even 21, that is what I'd do if i could do it over. I'll bet it's hard for you to imagine, but life starts moving faster and faster the older you get, you'll see.
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