Don't know what year gsxr you have but that is the way to do it on my 07. Pull the hose leading to the water pump and let it drain. On the water pump there is a bleeder bolt, its just a bolt on the outward face that you can crack open until fluid starts coming out and then re-tighten. A good trick to get all the air out without having to run it over and over again is to fill the radiator and then slowly lean the bike way over to one side and then way over to the other. BE CAREFUL not to drop the bike, it can be done alone, I sit on the bike and lean it that way. The fluid level will go down, fill it up repeat the side to side, refill over and over until the fluid level doesn't drop. This cuts alot of time out of the process. If you have air in the system, your bike will run hot. Don't know if this makes sense or not, but I'll be there tonight if you need any help. Red/White gsxr #85.