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  1. We did a geocaching event a few years ago. About 80% of the road you can still drive. The things that stinks is that you you drive a 25 hunk of blacktop and it ends. You have to go back to where you got on it again. It does that alot. It's good to go from L.A. to Arizona, just south of Grand Canyon the other part of Arizona through New Mexico you will see parts of it running with I-40. in most places that have had lots of traffic have been made into 4 lane roads. It's still 66 but it's not the old 2 lane road as it use to be. Most of the exits have Historic 66 signs. It's worth the trip. I have done it 3 times (Once on a bike) and it's a great time. Doc
  2. Doc

    Doc11 The Dragon

    From the album: Me and my Bike

  3. Doc

    Doc12 The Dragon

    From the album: Me and my Bike

  4. Doc

    Doc13 The Dragon

    From the album: Me and my Bike

  5. Doc

    Me and my Bike

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