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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Yes you guys were. And we were the last to leave the start point. And we had the most fun in the drive, passing everyone.
  2. Mojoe

    Weather rant

    It's a 250 with 500 on reserve.
  3. Mojoe

    7/30 or 7.31

    Yup, I'll take them plug off your hand. You got a place to stay? I should be out of of those nights, not sure where people go these days
  4. I didn't feel we pushed all that hard. We had opportunities, and we took them with caution. Most of my quick accelerations were under the speed limit from being behind people going under the speed limit. And I'm pretty sure I signaled almost every lane change. It's never worth it to tail gate and there will always be an opening with time. I left a lot of room, and doors just kept opening for me. You and Rob should do a track day with that car. Nelson is pretty cheap and Mid Ohio has openings now and then. I drove the car to it's ability. The entire time I was going off my water temps and they were between 89 and 94 most of the time, with a peak at 102C. 3 hours of spirited driving wears on you and your car. At one point I was heat soaked and slow rolled for about 20 minutes. I thought my plugs were fouled, but that was a learning point for me and the car. I ran into it again coming back into Columbus. We all ran 170+ miles. Think of how many laps that is at a track. Definately will be in touch with you guys to head out some time. Work owns me for a while though.
  5. I know Miller is putting a vid together. Shanton copied all my pics and vids and I assume is getting them to Miller. Try to send what you have to him, or me. Thanks
  6. They were doing it wrong.
  7. So I'm sitting at home chillin and guess what movie came on? Cannon Ball Run. Anyone who did the rally needs to watch this again. There are several scenes that remind me of the weekend. There may be a scene with a black import just leaving shit behind him and making his way through traffic. Don't for get to use your turn signal. LOL Rob, if you have any vids, I've not seen my car run before and would like to see them. Thanks
  8. Not impressed. Hope he chokes on Skittles.
  9. Hahaha, Nice vid Rob. Let's try not to repeat how it ended today, any of us! And I hear ya on not sleeping. I mean after all, it is Xmas. lol See you guys in a few.
  10. Phil, did you seriously just tell someone they need to learn to comprehend? You have been corrected no less than 4 times in this thread for asking questions that are CLEARLY posted. Such as, "Where's the after party?" And then you seal the post by calling him a Newb. You're old school. Right? Be creative. Newb is so 2008 intraweb e worrier. And he joined on 2004, not 2007, like you. Everyone is so hostile. This is a time to celebrate and share in some craziness. We are all looking forward to this and we will party together at a ridiculous level. Good luck to everyone and my your cars run well and stay safe.
  11. Miller, I have tools, stand and most of what you might need. You are welcome to work at my place. But, i have to be up in the morning for this thing I got going on up north.
  12. I'm bored as hell in my hotel room. Just watched 3 comedy's, and it took reading Eric's post for me to LOL. Eric you should meet us up there. I know it's a little last minute. But your awesomeness would bring the silly to a whole other level. And I will do what ever it take to get you to do the Thriller dance.
  13. Subaru Legacy. Everyone says they love theirs.
  14. Come the fuck on!!!! I thought I might want to have a kid one day, but the way we fucking up the environment, makes me wonder now. Mother natures going to hit the reset button on us before too much longer.
  15. Shut it off at 10 sec mark. I can't help this one.
  16. Shweat!!! Glad things came together. I installed a secondary fuel cell to carry more fuel for less stops, and an extra bottle of spray. You know, just a few last minute things.
  17. We talked. I can't freakin WAIIIIIIIIT!!!! Car is parked, prepped, polished, and packed.
  18. There us a VW sensor that is a the exact some one for $35. I run this in my car, but don't know the sensor. I think Dyno Brian told me what it was. Great deal
  19. Great time and it was such a huge motivator to get the bike to the track. You guys were awesome, as usual, to almost go to jail with. LOL
  20. Flanagans is nuts and no parking. I'm at the shell startion phil. On the bike
  21. It is volleyball night. There's a lot of us that don't know each other yet. Pit a face with a name and come out and have a drink. I'm at the cc lot now and will hang here till about 10 after. Then to flanagans.
  22. Not looking for drama. And I never challenged his game. Not going to sit on a computer and measure dick's either. If he wants to meet up and talk game, I'm heading to Flanagan's. First rounds on me for PRK open invite. If that's too much on a school night, I understand.
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