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Posts posted by technoracer

  1. Where in hudson did you take it and how much was it? I need to finally take it in the spring so I can get my full endorsement

    it was $25. the one night of classroom instruction was at hudson high school and the 2 days of parking lot maneuvers was held nearby in a large office building's parking lot. just check out the msf web site to see where they have classes near you. fwiw- my girlfriend and i didn't preregister, we just "walked in" to a class hoping to get it. one of us did no problem, while the other one had to sit through the classroom part and hope someone didn't show up for maneuvers. it all worked out in the end though.

    a word of caution- if you go to hudson AND get the same instructers we had, they're very strict on time. if you're 5 minutes late to class, they'll lock you out of the room. just make sure you're early and it's all good!


  2. Welcome! I'm just south of Akron in Manchester. Nice first bike. How'd you like the MSF course? I took it up in Hudson last year from some cool instructors.

    hey doug!

    the course was good! my girlfriend and i took it in hudson in october. was your instructor bald and kinda looked like dee snyder (rode a blue concourse)? we had him and a harley rider named dj i think. they were both pretty cool.

    i liked the course though. i think it brought my confidence level up a lil bit, and not having to take the bmv riding test was def worth the price alone!

  3. hello everyone!

    my name is Brian, and i just wanted to say "hi" to everyone! i'm a new rider from in the akron ohio area. i bought my first bike a few months ago, and completed the msf course about a month ago. anyone else from the area on here? where are the nice/"good"/fun roads at? anyway, hello again.



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