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Everything posted by CoolWhip

  1. CoolWhip

    My wife :(

    did I miss pics of said lbts, secondhand, woman?
  2. I pm'd him and offered to pay 100 for the dog and also buy the cage. I haven't heard back
  3. I second this. I actually have been looking for a husky. I don't have a dog, I have nearly 30 acres of land. I'd pay 100 for the dog and buy the cage for what you paid. Is Sky housebroken?
  4. yea... I initially didn't realize this was from 2006
  5. My parents were the same way (minus helping with college). They said as long as I was on their health insurance, or they were supporting me in any way I couldn't have a bike. They sure were surprised when I pulled in the driveway with one in the back of my buddy's truck and asked to store it there for the winter the fallout wasn't bad at all actually. I just had to buy my own insurance.
  6. Hope her father doesn't find out. Cause it would be like this: http://images.google.com/url?source=imgres&ct=img&q=http://www.filmfetish.com/wp-stuff/fetish_uploads/2008/06/ni_taken.jpg&sa=X&ei=sXvcTcziFsHt0gH4vKXIDw&ved=0CAQQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNHOf_K0e-aAtnUXLplM-hCvYbSMEw Then it would be like this: http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Film/Pix/pictures/2008/08/22/taken460.jpg
  7. I guess Justin gets to put anther little notch on his victory pole of people he has driven off the site lol
  8. honestly that is scary, regardless of who it happens to.
  9. I have been riding an '83 CB650SC Honda Nighthawk, I really enjoy the "scenic" rides too
  10. And that's a six pack of beer to clarify for all you homos out there.
  11. I have $800 cash and a six pack with your name on it if you would consider it?
  12. like this: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_XU9x8G7khv0/TRJ0IuoR5NI/AAAAAAAAQ_I/TI2y0w40MtY/s1600/fannypaack.jpg
  13. Woot! I am a CPO (Certified Pool Operator) finally a question I can answer! Fizzer, has it mostly correct the only thing he missed is that with most water vacuums, you have to "prime" them. This means opening it up and dumping water inside of the suction area.
  14. Yes, my sister took the class when she was 19. She can't apply for her CCW until 21, but she has the completion certificate.
  15. CoolWhip


    you sure it wasn't math?
  16. CoolWhip


    the correct answer is 288
  17. CoolWhip


    People well regarded in mathematics have come up with both answers if you read the thread...
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