A beginner would be very comfortable at W.N.F. They have redone the trails and are super easy now. The danger now is from the much faster speeds that can be carried.
This is the link from last years flyer, http://www.crowcanyonmx.com/Home/09TurkeyRun/tabid/63/Default.aspx ... they will post one for this years' event later on. It is alot of fun. I have been to both the '08 and '09 events. I also hope to go again this year.
There are definitely trails out the ass. It is over ridden with trails over lapping each other, but it's still a very fun place to ride. Be sure to go to the Turkey Run the first weekend in November, it's a blast !
I wish Dungey was fast enough while he is leading that RV couldn't catch him. I like exciting side by side racing as much as anybody else, but if Dungey could hold a lead, he wouldn't have to worry about RV at all.
It is a great place to ride, I try to go there at least once a year. They no longer have GNCC races there, that series outgrew it, but they have held harescrambles for smaller series. http://www.crowcanyonmx.com/
Summit Indoors will have flat track racing on Feb. 19th & 20th in Akron, Ohio at the Summit County fairgrounds. Link ... http://www.summitindoormx.com/flattrack.html
The drawback to those are the ill effects on handling. Mostly in the front because it throws the steering geometry way off causing bumpsteer. Only thing I would possibly want them for would be drag racing and they aren't necessary for that either.
I also put my bearings in the freezer and it does seem to work really well. I have to refrain from using a fire wrench on my housings since they are aluminum. It could be done carefully but I'm not willing to take that chance.
It was a great time, there was 11 "Mad 70's" including an Amishman, lol. Our local favorite quad racer Kenny Rich got 2nd in Pro Quad, he would have won, but he drew a bad heat race gate pick.
You should be able to setup on the end of the building where the big doors are that the competitors come in and out of, I think that's the east end. We were able to stand down by the track during the MX races on that end. The whole track is highly visible from there.
Try to get some pics of the "Mad 70's", Wrecks should be there on his pink one and it flat out flies, he was running lap times last year in the 11 second range
Indoor Flat Track racing at the Summit County fairgrounds saturday night. It's gonna be great racing and even a mini trike class, and they really haul !