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Status Updates posted by wagner

  1. Eh you are right. I don't think there is any intrest in making people feel welcome, so I just let tme all be little e-thugs and e-frat boys. Besides it gives me ammo for the "cr is lame" threads I just point out the fact that we limit people based on the oven.
  2. Everybody is blocked to reply due to stupid people bitching and thread shitting. If you have questions pm the op.
  3. Good Guys saturday? Dad and brother are going to be in town and going.
  4. happy birthday
  5. Have not heard anything from you since the Bush administration...
  6. Have you heard from bottlefed focus? I thought he was training you and he has not got back to me about the rest of my workout he owes me
  7. Heard you were looking for a track day spot. I will sell you mine for $170
  8. Heh heh eh heheh damn it butthead this sucks!
  9. hey homo i need ideas on what kind of video camera to get. looking for something that I can take to the track and get good race vids and HD. Give me options
  10. hope i did not offend you with my post, i thought you might get a laugh out of it
  11. How about I punch you in y our taint
  12. I about to do a BP style top kill and I might send you a pic because i am that nice
  13. I am about to tell people to go over to http://www.yellowbullet.com if they think they have outgrown this site. There are a ton of people on there who will beat you up and take your lunch money on the track or strip of you are willing to travel.
  14. I did not do it there oscar
  15. I did not see you posted in there lolz that was not directed at you that was towards those who cannot operate CR
  16. I don't think I am on the level they need :(
  17. I fat fingered that, we are at 451, but trending towards 500
  18. I got a new click bang toy :)
  19. I got your shirt fool, you got the money :fuckyeah: ?
  20. I got your shirt, let me know where and when you want to meet so we can exchange money for product.
  21. I just had a contractor reply back with will do at the same time, creepy
  22. I just sit back and laugh at the failtrain that is in there. Hell, I won't even be around most weekends to play grabass with those fools, I will be out some where in OH, MI, or IN racing :lolguy:
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