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Status Updates posted by wagner

  1. I may be hold but could still beat your ass with my cane and or walker
  2. I want to and need some help for this next project. I will be making a post about it soon. I want help with my website and a blogsite that is all about teh car life and culture for the newer generations. No BS just cars, music, food and teh life
  3. I want to poop on you
  4. I will give you a stone cold stunner on broken glass covered in lemon juice.
  5. I will need that gopro back before saturday please :)
  6. I would check with Anthony on that one. I could careless but this ain't my nuthouse I am just the asshole with the knightstick that beats people when the misbehave...
  7. Info and price on Saiga 12...
  8. It needs a full tune and I am just going to wait until I get the exhaust on it
  9. Let me know if you can get any of those 10/22 mags. I don't think my order is getting shipped :(
  10. Link to camera you just posted that he uses?
  11. LOL yeah Terry Satterfield. He is a pretty good guy so far, fair and tries to keep the class real
  12. LoLerblading at facebook seriousness. Never seen people get so worked up over playing grabass in a parking lot on the weekend. Only racing most of those fools do is to see who can be first in line at Taco Bell
  13. might be rolling out from C&C to go to Kil Kare to race. Trying to see if I can get a few people to go
  14. Need to get that car out on the track....
  15. No can do I have to help out with a track build and I am doing the biggest loser at work so no beer for me :( But I wouldhave no problem coming out in the future to help encourage you along
  16. No I did not hear anything about that. I have not been up there in a while
  17. No problem my little taco, beats dealing with people bitching about CR
  18. No track time for me on Friday :>( Brian put the car back on the dyno and it looks like someone has tried to "tune" the car. FML
  19. No worries man it is all good. Brandon told me you wanted it back so I was bringing it back. I just wanted to take it for a little spin to remind me why bikes are bad lolz
  20. Not sure yet, depends on what is going on with school.
  21. On my camera still. I am going to try and get them uploaded
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