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Status Updates posted by wagner

  1. hey homo i need ideas on what kind of video camera to get. looking for something that I can take to the track and get good race vids and HD. Give me options
  2. I want to poop on you
  3. I know who ya are met you last year. Just work out the final details with Brian and Anthony and let me know if you need any help.


    I talked to them about a month ago but never got a chance to talkt to the person in charge.

  4. We need to start doing more CR vid's end of story. I haz some ideas and things I want to do for the next year. You down for an epic adventure? Oh I tried to contact your homegirl at 1320 vid about what he uses as well
  5. Link to camera you just posted that he uses?
  6. tank you sir and if you want to sign on to this project better have your big boy pants ready
  7. I want to and need some help for this next project. I will be making a post about it soon. I want help with my website and a blogsite that is all about teh car life and culture for the newer generations. No BS just cars, music, food and teh life
  8. LoLerblading at facebook seriousness. Never seen people get so worked up over playing grabass in a parking lot on the weekend. Only racing most of those fools do is to see who can be first in line at Taco Bell
  9. You might want to cation people on how to join CR on your cars and coffee site. I think a couple of people have tried and it did not end well for them since they were not "cool" enough for the Oven Hazing Retard Crew :(
  10. I just sit back and laugh at the failtrain that is in there. Hell, I won't even be around most weekends to play grabass with those fools, I will be out some where in OH, MI, or IN racing :lolguy:
  11. Info and price on Saiga 12...
  12. Are you still doing carpet work?
  13. Best grudge racing around here will be up at Milan or maybe Chitown if you want to drive that far. Got to travel to the south for the best stuff, but lots of potatos down there.
  14. I about to do a BP style top kill and I might send you a pic because i am that nice
  15. There is a big race down at SGMP "28s gone wild" that should be pretty good.
  16. cars and coffee this week?
  17. The one kid with the riced out mr2 mentioned it, i thought someone else did as well. I think people might get turned off to the event based on the warm welcomes that get handed out here. What do you think? Or have I gone full retard yet again?
  18. Eh you are right. I don't think there is any intrest in making people feel welcome, so I just let tme all be little e-thugs and e-frat boys. Besides it gives me ammo for the "cr is lame" threads I just point out the fact that we limit people based on the oven.
  19. No track time for me on Friday :>( Brian put the car back on the dyno and it looks like someone has tried to "tune" the car. FML
  20. What kind and how much fish are you looking to move?
  21. you got some links for diet/nutrition/meals info? I was out and about this weekend looking at some books and really did not see much i liked.
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