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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Think a few of these guys pooped a little... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuxszV_wusU&feature=player_embedded
  2. Only clap around me is when I take down my pants and bitches are impressed by big jim and the twins...
  3. I will have to see what is crack-a-lackin and let you know. I have to write a paper about HR Planning and retention at my company for class...
  4. I know or have met I think everybody on that list. My life has been one crazy trip
  5. No, it made my no-no parts burn
  6. This just made me laugh and forget the horrific clients I have dealt with today.
  7. Top 25 dumbest things I have ever read.
  8. Some people talk about racing, others do it I need to pick your brain on some stuff at some point too...
  9. I am glad someone else feels this way, I thought I was being prick. It makes me wonder about the person's state of mind.
  10. Did you just get off the failbus? Back on topic... Check Micro Center, I thought I saw some laptops in this range in the flyer I got.
  11. LOL yeah Terry Satterfield. He is a pretty good guy so far, fair and tries to keep the class real
  12. You still work at Alliance Data right? The guy who figures out how much to payh people and what raises should be is my professor this quarter for a MBA class
  13. Grant, if you want all of the bullshit cleaned out of this thread let me know.
  14. He is one bad ass racer that gets it done.
  15. Rape, dirty dirty rape will happen
  16. I guess are both right and what I am learning in my MBA program is wrong. I don't see any link between what he is saying and what I am saying.
  17. Maybe I need to dumb it down more for you. When people in these countries realize they are getting the shaft as far as their rights, they are going to freak out. This will lead to a STOP IN THEIR PROGRESS BECAUSE THEY WILL START TO KILL EACH OTHER. THERE WILL BE NO FUTHER PRODUCTION BECAUSE THE WORKERS WILL BE FIGHTING THE GOVERNMENT. I don't understand your fixation on resources. The only way to consume less is to kill more humans or let them reproduce less. Oh wait, China is trying that and it is working out so well for their human rights scorecard... Does that make sense? Their rise will stop because the people of these countries are pissed they have a half assed western development. Go to China and try to disagree with their government, I dare you. Go to India and try to break through their social system.
  18. You shoudl hear the horror stories from the people in my MBA classes that are from these contries. It is shocking it has not happened on a grand scale yet.
  19. All of this indsutrialization is leading to a more westernized way of life. This is in direct conflict with how these countries work. If you can't understand that maybe there is a book or other documentaries that wil tell you how the "real world" works.
  20. The people of this earth realm are not ready for my level of truth.
  21. 1. I have worked in a plant where there were no unions and conditions were not safe. Someone got hurt due to this and you know what they did? They sued the plant and won! Imagine that, the system worked? 2. How is my view limited? I have worked in just about every line of work from pulling weeds on a farm to corporate america. What a text book or theory tells you is just that, words or theory that might or might not work... 3. You really think China and India are an our path? Well then they have not had the same civil rights issues we had here yet correct? What do you think is going to happen in a mondern setting in those countries? During our civil rights movement people were attacked with dogs and water. In those countries they will be killed and burnt to hide the "issue".
  22. I still think you, myself, and Drewhop should run for political office. The world would hate the truth that would be thrown at them.
  23. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61288 Post some pics, ignore the retards that will post hate, and you might make it.
  24. You forgot the part AFTER i drink 3 gallons of black coffee, eat a crave case, and hold my poo for 24 hours.
  25. http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/4/tinfoil-hat.jpg or http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/26/nobody_cares.jpg
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