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Status Updates posted by wagner

  2. Seems legit, just let me know
  3. So as I am driving home today I see this flash of white darting in and out of traffic. The car is quick and appeared to be driven by Tony Stark
  4. Sounds good, we are going to Milan this saturday morning so meeting at C&C is out.
  5. stay safe over there and if you get a chance bring me something cool like a RPG
  6. Still 100% lost lol
  7. Stop signing my name to bullshit rep stuff, you have done it more than one time.
  8. tank you sir and if you want to sign on to this project better have your big boy pants ready
  9. Thanks but I tend to stay away from Snowboarding after my last time. I just about blew out my "good" knee.
  10. the amount of people who can't follow directions is scary.
  11. The one kid with the riced out mr2 mentioned it, i thought someone else did as well. I think people might get turned off to the event based on the warm welcomes that get handed out here. What do you think? Or have I gone full retard yet again?
  12. the that is incharge of compensation at Allliance is my prof this quarter
  13. There is a big race down at SGMP "28s gone wild" that should be pretty good.
  14. We need to start doing more CR vid's end of story. I haz some ideas and things I want to do for the next year. You down for an epic adventure? Oh I tried to contact your homegirl at 1320 vid about what he uses as well
  15. Well tell him to contact me ASAP. If I do not hear from him by the end of the week I will not be happy
  16. Welp, that escalated quickly...
  17. what are you doing for the game?
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