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Status Updates posted by wagner

  1. Well tell him to contact me ASAP. If I do not hear from him by the end of the week I will not be happy
  2. Have you heard from bottlefed focus? I thought he was training you and he has not got back to me about the rest of my workout he owes me
  3. the amount of people who can't follow directions is scary.
  4. yes he is or was doing time for touching little girls i think
  5. I would check with Anthony on that one. I could careless but this ain't my nuthouse I am just the asshole with the knightstick that beats people when the misbehave...
  6. I will give you a stone cold stunner on broken glass covered in lemon juice.
  7. Don't make me hurt you because now that you are 18 people won't feel sorry for you.



  8. Have not heard anything from you since the Bush administration...
  9. No can do I have to help out with a track build and I am doing the biggest loser at work so no beer for me :( But I wouldhave no problem coming out in the future to help encourage you along
  11. I may be hold but could still beat your ass with my cane and or walker
  12. Thanks but I tend to stay away from Snowboarding after my last time. I just about blew out my "good" knee.
  13. Yeah I tend to do dumb things a majority of the time. If that falls though let me know, otherwise I will have to find a way to entertain myself and that usually does not end well.
  14. ACK sounds like some limb damage waiting to happen
  15. Anything going on tonight
  16. I want to and need some help for this next project. I will be making a post about it soon. I want help with my website and a blogsite that is all about teh car life and culture for the newer generations. No BS just cars, music, food and teh life
  17. tank you sir and if you want to sign on to this project better have your big boy pants ready
  18. Link to camera you just posted that he uses?
  19. We need to start doing more CR vid's end of story. I haz some ideas and things I want to do for the next year. You down for an epic adventure? Oh I tried to contact your homegirl at 1320 vid about what he uses as well
  20. I want to poop on you
  21. hey homo i need ideas on what kind of video camera to get. looking for something that I can take to the track and get good race vids and HD. Give me options
  22. Your welcome pookie and remember don't fuck with the jesus
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