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Status Updates posted by wagner

  1. It needs a full tune and I am just going to wait until I get the exhaust on it
  2. Your welcome pookie and remember don't fuck with the jesus
  3. Anything going on tonight
  4. ACK sounds like some limb damage waiting to happen
  5. Yeah I tend to do dumb things a majority of the time. If that falls though let me know, otherwise I will have to find a way to entertain myself and that usually does not end well.
  6. Thanks but I tend to stay away from Snowboarding after my last time. I just about blew out my "good" knee.
  7. I may be hold but could still beat your ass with my cane and or walker
  8. What are you talking about?
  9. the that is incharge of compensation at Allliance is my prof this quarter
  10. Still 100% lost lol
  11. No worries man it is all good. Brandon told me you wanted it back so I was bringing it back. I just wanted to take it for a little spin to remind me why bikes are bad lolz
  12. what are you doing for the game?
  13. You still work at Alliance Data right? The guy who figures out how much to payh people and what raises should be is my professor this quarter for a MBA class
  14. LOL yeah Terry Satterfield. He is a pretty good guy so far, fair and tries to keep the class real
  15. hope i did not offend you with my post, i thought you might get a laugh out of it
  16. C&C facebook is up to 500 likes meow...
  17. Need to get that car out on the track....
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