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Status Updates posted by wagner

  1. I fat fingered that, we are at 451, but trending towards 500
  2. Heh heh eh heheh damn it butthead this sucks!
  3. Have not heard anything from you since the Bush administration...
  4. Don't make me hurt you because now that you are 18 people won't feel sorry for you.



  5. I did not do it there oscar
  6. I will give you a stone cold stunner on broken glass covered in lemon juice.
  7. So as I am driving home today I see this flash of white darting in and out of traffic. The car is quick and appeared to be driven by Tony Stark
  8. 481 likes as of today, pushing for 500 by saturday...
  9. Cars and coffee this saturday?
  10. Everybody is blocked to reply due to stupid people bitching and thread shitting. If you have questions pm the op.
  11. stay safe over there and if you get a chance bring me something cool like a RPG
  12. Welp, that escalated quickly...
  13. I would check with Anthony on that one. I could careless but this ain't my nuthouse I am just the asshole with the knightstick that beats people when the misbehave...
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