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Posts posted by JamesE

  1. ^^ I loved the story line. Me and buddy would play the story mode all the time. I hated online. The people that play nonstop and just go in and destroy everybody piss me off. Its no fun playing like that.

    yes it is

  2. If you have halo: odst then you can start playing the beta for reach this later on monday. Anyone gonna play it? looks a lot different than other halos.

    Send me a friend request if you wanna play. GT: Profection

  3. the main difference for me with the fast pack and the cortech is I don't really seem myself taking a trip on the bike that I'll need more than I can fit in my backpack.

    That being said I like the fast pack for its versatility of always having it there for if I'm out and randomly decide to pick up some food or something from the store and not have my backpack

    i just dont think that i would ever wear a backpack if i took a little trip, it bothers me to have something like that on me while i ride, question about the fast-pack..can you actually sit on it when its zipped down? and im not sure they even make one that fits my bike. 97 gsxr 750

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