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Posts posted by clutchdrop87

  1. For a naked bike with a Busa powerplant, I think the wind would drag you off the road or just keep you at the 120 mph hand of god limit. I love the BKing also but I think I would go with the new V-Max if I had the money.

  2. I have a 2007 Suzuki Bandit 1250S that I would like to lower the totally upright riding position for a slightly more aggressive riding position. (maybe an inch or two). I looked online for some forums that might discuss this but no luck. Just wondered if anyone else has had this idea? I find that in half a but cheeck leans I feel slightly out of position with the high handlebars. I know this is mostly a touring bike but with a slightly lower position I could have a happy medium. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreaciated.:confused:

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