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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. If they won the case I would go burn down their corporate office with everyone in it and say that I didn’t kill anyone…the smoke did.
  2. Fuck those BS insurance companies. That’s just down right steeling. Have people pay for insurance month after month after month. Then when they need to file a claim they want to argue about it, and if they have to pay out then your rate goes up. FUCK them, that’s some bull shit.
  3. Nope, maybe you should get a better alarm clock. When I set mine to 6:30am it goes off at 6:30am. Now I have set it to 6:30PM by mistake then it doesn’t go off at 6:30am like I need it to. There have also been times I thought I hit the snooze button and ended up turning it off and instead of waking up 9 minutes later its 39 minutes later. Waking up late does sucks ass.
  4. How do you find this shit.....Essay?
  5. Main3s

    E-46 M3?

    get one in chrome http://www.2dayblog.com/images/2006_november/bmw_m3_chrome-01.jpg
  6. It works with having the fastest car alive too.
  7. This Cat Right Here....Is funny
  8. Wanna know how I know you're gay? Srsly, who the hell pays attention to that...other then you.
  9. How do you get killed by fish? I mean really a fish!?
  10. You could kill 2 birds with 1 stone.....or log, and just shit on the guys desk.
  11. As dumb as that sounds at first, if you could afford to do that you would get a good ROI. lets do the math shall we.... Current average price per gallon = $1.55 10,000 gallons X $1.55 = $15,500 Average price per gallon 5 months ago = $3.45 10,000 gallons X $3.25= $34,500 $34,500 - $15,500 = $19,000 profit….
  12. Here are a few of my favorites... http://www.boreme.com/media/yr2005/office-pranks-5.jpg http://l.yimg.com/g/images/spaceball.gif http://www.hemmy.net/images/interesting/pranks08.jpg http://www.hemmy.net/images/interesting/pranks09.jpg http://www.hemmy.net/images/interesting/pranks25.jpg Or you could stick with the original plan and break his leg....That's always a riot. http://hikaru.blogzine.jp/dress_you_up/images/broken_leg.gif Or even better yet, break his cat’s leg! http://farm1.static.flickr.com/103/252784327_ce66b52d00.jpg?v=0 Either that or just have dirty butt sex with his mom and then spread rumors about how bad she was in the sack. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/9/14491525_8e2cde3e94.jpg?v=0 Either way i hope your day gets better.
  13. I'm with Sam on this one. How is it fair to say what happened and speculate when no of you were there? I’m sure because this was on CR we all feel like we have something to contribute. But the fact is the best thing to do is just STFU about it. It was a really fucked up situation no matter what happened. I was unaware that the CPD was trolling here so all the more reason not to speculate and stop giving uneducated opinions to feed the fire… But in the other hand it is a public forum for discussion and this is a hot topic.
  14. This May quickly turn to a :nws: thread.
  15. Vida Guerra! http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff154/LM_69/vida-guerra-.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2124/2025094052_b8abb6659e.jpg?v=0
  16. How aboot that! Oh' Canada.
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