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Everything posted by Main3s

  1. Main3s

    E-46 M3?

    M3!! I have no first hand experience with these...But I love the way they look! http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3056/3040034262_0ca4fbbc50.jpg?v=0
  2. I don't get it the point of the replicas. Maybe if it’s a 1/8 scale version.
  3. Wow, thanks for posting. This is very humbling. I’m kind of dealing with a shitty situation(s) in my life now and I’m angry at everything/one. This man who by all accounts should be pissed at the world is…Forgiving……
  4. Maybe he doesn't want to be saved. Hummm
  5. Hey it works on my car. If you simply turn off the TCC you'll still get a 1 wheel burn out becasue the EBTCM sees the slip and pulls power. Yank out the fuse and 2 wheel burn outs all day long. Maybe it's just a Grand Prix thing.
  6. No. An eye with a white glob in it :marc:.
  7. Maybe I should rephrase that… Pull the fuse for the traction control. FTW.
  8. I thought this was going to be a NWS pic.
  9. Main3s


    I don't know what made me think of this... But doesn't this guy look like the gay bastard love child of the dad from The Wonder Years and Rudy http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c9/Dan_Lauria.jpg + http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j78/mumi_2006/Sean-Astin.jpg + http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s231/chunkyd77/Super.jpg = http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2008/POLITICS/12/09/illinois.governor/art.gov.gi.jpg
  10. http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k154/laurenlena/bricktrident-animate.gif
  11. How do you figure? ZING- If someone makes an absolutely awful joke, or says something completely random or pointless. One member of the group may "zing" them. This works best if done during the awkward silence after the joke/comment. The zinger may also point with an open palm, fingers first at the joke/comment maker while zinging them for effect. TwistedRx7: It is the same thing as a dog whistle only gay men can hear another man whistle JayZ!!........(expecting laughter from the group) Super_GTP: (waitin a few seconds for the awkward silence to take hold].......ZING!!!!! ZING- An interjection commonly used after making a witty joke at someone else's expense while they are present. Person 1: Your room smells like ass. Person 2: That's because you're in it. ZING!
  12. Let the tussin soak into the bone.
  13. BTW... I hate Wal-Mart.
  14. My issue with Wal-Mart is its employees and about 90% of the shoppers. Most of the employees are worthless. They can never help you find shit, they can’t/ don’t do their job and are just complete morons. Apart from doing half their hiring south of the border, the other half they must recruit from state fairs and movie extras from lord of the rings. And I can’t go there on Saturdays or Sundays for fear of going postal on half the idiot shoppers. Look motherfucker if you’ve never used/ seen a U-Scan before, why pick Saturday afternoon with a cart full of shit and 20 people behind you to try and figure it out!? And that’s another thing, why do they have 30+ check out lines and when you go there they never have more the 5 open WTF!
  15. My dick’s so small it doesn't even poke out of my tighty whiteys when I get a hard on…
  16. Great..Just in case anyone missed this murder video lets share
  17. I pay a little bit each week, $25.00 a pay check, and then I make the minimum payment once a month. So I actually end up paying over every month. I'm not sure if there is a big advantage with it, but I like paying ahead in case I get in a tight spot with $$$.
  18. That's what I thought too. He really has changed Now if it were me, I'd take $500 of that $1,400 and have someone really fuck him up.
  19. What!? You mean to tell me you've never tried Crisco on your balls.You should try it. If it's really hot out, they start to smell like bacon...Who doesn't love the smell of bacon!? Okay so maybe thats a stretch.
  20. Baby powder or crisco will fix that.
  21. After watching the other death thread and the man with the glass in his ass...I'm going to pass on watching this.
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