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Everything posted by gen3flygirl

  1. For the time being he was inciting panic (especially after WV). There are signs posted everywhere saying no firearms on OSU's campus. Honestly if you were on a bus and saw some random guy holding a gun what would you think? Some what related note... http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2009/11/19/shooting-on-COTA-bus.html .
  2. I don't find it petty at all. There as been a rise in issues around campus and I want to cut this off at the knees before it turns into something more. My good friend and fellow coworker is having issues because a rider got a hold of her phone number and wont stop calling her. She is probably going to have to change her number. Another driver has gotten love letters from riders before. There is a fine line between a compliment/flirting and harassment/stalking. There was a guy a few months back that brought a gun onto a bus. We allow any one and every one to get on and since you don't have to pay non students take advantage of it all the time. There are no cameras and since it is OSU property I can't carry. I find nothing wrong with trying to protect myself and take measures so that I feel safe at work.
  3. Try looking into jobs with osu. Employees get 10 free credit hours a quarter. If you must move I agree with a lot of people here the Raleigh area is really nice. Lived there when I was younger and miss it a lot. I have family still in the Cary area and they still love it. Pollen sucks in spring so watch out if you have allergies and be prepared to give your bike lots of baths.
  4. ^ +1 summer job = me getting a new bike
  5. I can't let it go because it was unwanted attention that was not prevoked in any way and it happened more than once. I am not one to cry wolf and this really bothered me so police are now involved, just filled a report.
  6. I am a bus driver for OSU. Guy pulls up next to me to where he can see me through the glass doors. Makes a weird ass noise to get my attention so I look over. He starts doing the two finger tongue in between oral thing, I look away. He proceeds to do the same weird noise and continues making the gesture. Students sign a code of conduct when they start taking classes. I am pretty sure sexually harassing staff is in there somewhere. I want to press charges on this guy. I am usually not this bothered by this kind of stuff but this guy makes me want to take a shower with bleach and brillo pad. I have never felt so dirty in my life. I expect this kind of behavior on here, with my friends, or out at a bar, but at my job, hell no.
  7. welcome and look forward to seeing you at some bike nights!
  8. DO it!!!!! God that bike is pure sex !
  9. I will be there this Wed. but I will be in Madrid next week. If you look in the thread titled "central" there is usually info posted every week about wed. night QSL (Quaker steak and lube) http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=59273
  10. I love the video of the cop searching a guy and accidentally grabs the dudes " member "
  11. I would really appreciate it if people that are around the OSU area would keep an eye out for a guy of middle eastern decent driving a blue car (guessing 2004 or older) plate number starting with EHJ (I thought the end might have been 5451 but not positive). When I saw him he was with a friend and they were both wearing girly sunglasses. If you see this guy please, PLEASE get the rest of the plate number along with the make and model of car.
  12. I will take this one http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/1757591898.html
  13. Uhg I am really fucking hungry and this isn't helping
  14. OOOOO another European. Dibs!!!!!! You should come to bike night Wed. at Quaker steak and lube. Welcome and enjoy.
  15. nope wasn't me. I ride in full gear. I have seen another girl squiding it up around campus on the same (much nicer) bike as me

  16. I wouldn't want to leave my bike out in this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFv2W7Duqiw
  17. buddy of mine is in town so I will probably be there at some point with in the next 30-45 my self
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