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Everything posted by o0quiksilver0o

  1. I can't help you with the oil pressure thing. I was thinking along the lines of what SS said.. but I think im going to end up with the texas speed torquer 3 and either prc or tea 5.3L heads as soon as I start getting full paychecks again....
  2. Fo sho.. haha sorry you had some troubles with them pesky rotaries... Gl with it though it is a super clean ride.
  3. Just looking for a 6.0L Iron block for the camaro.. If you know of any junk yards or people that have one and are looking to get rid of it shoot me a pm or reply.
  4. Make up a spread sheet and sit her down and explain why she needs to watch what she spends.
  5. I use a torrent website (demonoid).. They have access by invite only.. I could invite you guys if you want too.
  6. yeah I think its the timing.. The damn thing won't cock back far enough to load a ball.. but it shoots good if I pull it back manually. If any of you wanna meet up some time to check it out it'd be awesome! I have my smart parts Ion to play with but I'd like to get the cocker working as a back up gun or to loan a buddy if I want them to come out and play with me. I know its hard as hell to find parts for them too.
  7. I bought one off craigslist for like 30 bucks ( I figured it wouldn't shoot right) but I don't know whats up with it... I took it to C.O. and the dude wouldn't touch it. If you can take a look at it and at least tell me whats wrong that'd be sweet
  8. If only it had a t56... Very nice looking car though
  9. Also, I like the pacesetter off road Y.. I had the texas speed on my car when I had it and to be honest with you I thought it fucking sucked... I took it off threw it in the trash and got the pacesetter. It was easier to put on and part of the y under the driver's seat is a little flattened to help out with the clearance a little bit too.. My texas speed pipe was consistantly hitting the road.
  10. Dave's a bad ass guy he tuned my civic si when I had the b16 in it.. He didn't get to tune the ls/vtec though. He helped me out quite a bit with my car.. Any how nice car and good luck with the sale
  11. damn i only got up to 1850 last season before i quit too
  12. Yes they are down south for sure.. Portsmouth and areas down there.. I would say its possilble for them to be up here... Easy way to find out.. Open mouth and look for some fangs
  13. Nice pictures Scott.. I havn't seen you or Marshall in a long ass time. We need to hit a bar up one weekend or somthing
  14. I guess I'll have some when I get off work!
  15. I'm putting this here because it deals with my bike... Seems like the right place. Well when I was putting my integrated tail light on my bike some how blew somthing. Not quite sure what I did but now the turnsignals, brake light, running light, and dash area (if you will) won't work.. Bike starts fine and head light works fine. Any one know what could be wrong. I checked the fuse box under the seat and now blown fuses. I put the factory tail light back on and still no dice. I'm going to put the factory front turn signals back on tomorrow. I'm running out of ideas. Any input? If needed I'll put it back together and if some one wants to help I'll ride out to you. I can give you some money or what not also. But I'd like to get it fixed. ***Oh yeah, is a 2000 cbr f4 ***
  16. I don't know where you are coming from on the height thing. I'm 6ft and fit on my 00 F4 just fine. I don't think an extra two inches would break it.
  17. You might want to try Tosoh here in grove city I think we might be looking for some people to run cnc machines, push button and walk away, like stealing money haha. Don't hold it to me though, probably be making ~15/hr after a year.
  18. I might bring the cbr out, its only got a pipe but what ever
  19. Yep, I want to make a table like that how much you want for this block?
  20. I'm paying 50 bucks a month with progressive for my bike on full coverage.. I got a 1k deductible but I figured if it goes down it probably isn't getting fixed haha
  21. I'm thinking about making a coffee table with one I'd like a Chevy small block if possible Cheap is good!
  22. Sounds like you need to chill the fuck out
  23. you can call any of the people that do performance work to see what they recommend... Slowmotion, IPS, phillips...
  24. No, they get killed because they don't respect it and think they can do wheelies after 15 minutes of riding. IF YOU respect it and take it slow there is no reason why you can't start out on a bigger bike. A 600 can get you hurt/killed just as easy as a liter bike man. All you need to do is pay attention to what is going around you and take the time learning how to ride. Ride within your skill...
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