I'm putting this here because it deals with my bike... Seems like the right place.
Well when I was putting my integrated tail light on my bike some how blew somthing. Not quite sure what I did but now the turnsignals, brake light, running light, and dash area (if you will) won't work.. Bike starts fine and head light works fine.
Any one know what could be wrong. I checked the fuse box under the seat and now blown fuses. I put the factory tail light back on and still no dice. I'm going to put the factory front turn signals back on tomorrow.
I'm running out of ideas. Any input? If needed I'll put it back together and if some one wants to help I'll ride out to you. I can give you some money or what not also. But I'd like to get it fixed.
***Oh yeah, is a 2000 cbr f4 ***