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Everything posted by Mendozasg

  1. Why is it better. Because it flows more air? Can you use the K&N filter cleaning kit on the BMC filter? BMC is like $25-30 more is it really worth it?
  2. I'm having numbness in my hands from the constant vibration and from my research have found that TB sync is a good place to start. The bike has 13k on it and this service has never been preformed. The Kawasaki manual calls for it to be checked every 4k. I've also got better grips and weighted bar ends on the way. http://www.kawiforums.com/how-tos-faqs/68740-syncronize-your-throttle-bodies.html
  3. Mods... Did I post this in the wrong section? Thanks
  4. Was wondering if anyone in the surrounding Cincinnati area can sync my TB on my 05 ZX6R ? I will pay/supply beer/order pizza lol Let me know Thanks
  5. Completely understandable. Thank You Sir
  6. Sorry, Private Message. I was trying to PM people that had bikes for sale, and thats when the message appeared. Is this normal?
  7. Just wanted to say hi. New member/new rider here - what's up with the, 1 post every 120min. ? - I'm looking for a 600cc for my friend that works with me. Let me know if anyone has something in the $3500 range thanks all
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