Last Sunday radio flyer and I set off to VA to pick up a new bike: 95 Honda VFR. I was looking for something a little bigger and faster than the old 86. I found it on craigslist and decided to make the trip down because it was cheap. We set off at 7:30 am in a car; we just took interstates on the way down about 515 miles one way. The bike turned out to be a little rougher than I was thinking but its mechanically sound so I decided to buy it, managed to get it for $1200. there were only one concern for the trip home and this was the tires witch the previous owner said were "just fine" now at the time the cords weren't showing yet so I felt alright to bring her on home. So here we are down in VA with a bike and a car that can handle; 88' Toyota mr2 with many suspension mods and a supercharger. We had to take a few good roads while we were down here. Highway 250 was the ticket, it lead directly back home and plenty of curves. About 70 miles from where we bought the bike we came up on 250, and then, it started to rain, great. We decided to take a break at conveniently located gas station and weighted about 40 min for the storm to pass. With myself on the bike and radio flyer in the mr2 we set off, (this was my first time riding in wet conditions.) All I can say is WOW what a road! Mind you this is my first experience outside Ohio on a bike. Plenty of 7 to 9% grades, constant elevation change and plenty of tight turns many on which were more than 90 degrees. Had a few scares on the rear slipping out on me a few times but managed to keep it together, I was taking it easy considering the circumstances. The mr2 had a much easier time, evenly the road dried out. Radio flyer and I switched about halfway through 250, other than a close call on a bad passing decision I maid we were fine. Altogether there was about 100 miles of great road. Then it was back on the highways back home which were still a little more interesting then what I'm used to back home. Guess what we ran into? More rain, I slowed the mr2 down to about 40, then when it was raining so hard that we were driving through standing water on top of a hill I decided we ought to pull over. We managed to find a random bar to take shelter at. We had to wait about another hour here to let the rain pass; radio flyer lay sound asleep on the bench under their porch. We switched again and then back on home, Google said this route would take about 20min longer than the interstates we took down but it ended up taking about 3 hours longer! No thanks to a few wrong turns I made. All in all a trip to remember, we're sure to be back. damn i guess you can't edit titles, there should be a "of" in there.