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Posts posted by UrrMomsFriend

  1. First, this is about her. FT isn't WERA. Show me it is and I'll concede. I don't bash FT at all. In fact, I suggest it more than anything...

    Second, this is about her, her suggestions that she's a knowledged "team owner" and that she knows what is needed to win in an endurance series, etc. That essentially opens it up to discussion and comparison. Hate to say it, but that's what she started and you are supporting. Which actually, I think you are actually her since you are referencing WERA as I have compared via Local Riders only. Nice try, though...

    I appreciate the fact you bring up our team. We did well. Never have i stated I know what it takes to run a team, how to run the series or anything. Do i offer advice? Advice based on experience and actual history via competing? Yup. You? List the credentials and let's compare. Take that as arrogant and ego driven, but I'll list shit if I need to. Otherwise, I don't say shit about anything. I wasn't fast. I'm actually faster now than I was and that's not fast, either.

    I plan on doing the FT whether endurance or sprint. Will I do well? Don't know. Hate the condition of the track, but I wanna run this RC8 and that's the closest track other than Mid-Ohio...

    Back off the throttle and either go back to LR or as your Pres of your fan club stated... STFU...

    Again, predictable...are you saying I am the ugly chick that started this thread? That's funny...regardless of your "cred" or my "cred" never did I say I was a racer; my main reason for posting in this thread is that it seems on every forum I'm on, there is some STT guy stirring shit up. And one of the first threads I read on here shortly after registering, I find another STT guy with his nose in shit. You all need to learn that you don't represent your organization very well and every time you post someone like me could be reading it thinking "Jesus, what an asshole, why would I want to ride with an org that has employees, or an owner like that?".

    You started off appearing to offer up some valid things to think about for anyone pondering an endurance team. Then you strayed...

    My advice to you...relax.

  2. This is the course discription as shown on the Mid-Ohio website:

    Max-Time Twilight Events: Open to experienced INTERMEDIATE and ADVANCED riders. Intermediate riders will take the track for one 15 minute warm up session and then the advanced riders will do the same. Following the warm up sessions, all riders will be on track at the same time for the remainder of the event. Instructors will still be available to assist you at any time and the checkered flag will fly every 1/2 hour to insure that you come into the pits, take a break and get a drink before heading back out for more fun. To enroll in one of these events you should have ridden in intermediate or advanced levels at least 3 times in the past 12 months. This is to make sure you are comfortable riding with intermediate and advanced riders at the same time. These events have a riding start time of 5:00pm and an end time of DUSK. Remember, that means the ending time will vary depending on what month of the year these events are held.

    Riiigght, so I can read. My point is that even though that's what's stated on their site, that's not how they ran it.

  3. So how many sessions did you all get? I'm hesitant to sign up for one of these if its $150, they don't check to make sure everyone meets their stated criteria, and you're only getting 1.5hrs of track time. Oh and not knowing beforehand if its open track or sessions.

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