Unfortunately the one that does not have a title is a 1999, which is the year they started issuing titles for off-road bikes and atvs. I also found that as of 2004 it is actually not legal to sell one without a title regardless of the year. If it was not originally issued with one or it comes in from out of state it has toi have one made before it can be transferred. Since I know that there has been at least two Ohio owner since then and it has not been registered it seems that I have 2 options. I can go back to each of the previous owners and find the first one to bring it into the state and convince them to apply for a title and pay tax on it (FAT CHANCE) and each person since then would have to do the same. Or, I can provide a bill of sale for the engine and frame and reciepts or documentation for all my major parts and take it to the State Patrol Inspection Post and as long as everything is clean, I can apply for a self assembled title. As big a pain in th A** as this sounds like I think it may be the only option at this point.