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Posts posted by waitemike85

  1. You're welcome! :D

    but seriously after going through that turn, feeling my rear tire squrim, stand the bike up and look in the mirror to see your blue thing on the ground, I yelled in my helmet, "HOLY F***" and stopped.

    I'm just glad you were able to ride it back.

    Yeah theres never a dull moment when we are out.We needs to ride this weekend.

  2. agree, down here in the valley there is some pretty nice roads. come check em out but make sure you tell me so me and matt can join you. :D

    For sure I will let y'all know only problem I really have is getting there im still kind of handicapped because I am still riding on my temps,but if there are some backroads I can take to get there I'll definitely venture out that way.

  3. ah that really sucks. Well if you are in the metroparks often let me know, I live right smack in the middle of them and ride the area often

    Im riding around there quite often I mean its the only some what fun place to ride around here.

  4. whats funny about this story is I did the SAME exact thing like two months ago, BUT i caught mine before it hit, no damage done. I was turning around though so i was also not going fast. SV's are pretty light. :D

    Yeah there light but when its buried in mud I was happy that I was riding with someone else who could help me pick the damn thing up. I wasnt going to fast maybe like 30mph and Im also happy I did have all my gear on or im sure I would have ended up more beat up than I did.

  5. Well i was riding everything was good and we decided to pull into a park to take a little break and there was a curve in the road and it was covered in gravel and the road was just in real bad shape and me being new I panicked and hit my break and down I went.It was a newb mistake but I came out unhurt and there was just minor damage to the bike so I think im lucky.

  6. Glad to see you are alright I just dumped my SV in the metroparks last Saturday.I was ok and bike for the most part was fine just a bent bar end and the shifter sheared off but it was ready to go pretty much the next day thanks to the handywork of Nacademus.

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