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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. I love this skit...
  2. WEAK... jk wish i could have made it.. but had to work and the mustang is geting painted.
  3. BUMP I need to sell this soon, I am far behind on bills and work cut my Hours... Make an offer!!!
  4. This is going in my SIG I love it!!!! :D:D
  5. Maybe they are wanting to race????
  6. Looks good man, I think I am going to steal your Idea of painting the poney in the front black...
  7. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/RhettMalo/beetle.jpg That is a scary ass vagina!!!!
  8. LoL he wanted some ass... like a drunk frat boy, wont let ya leave lol... Go Kenji
  9. No business sales on CR without being a paid advertiser. Please contact and Admin for details/rates.
  10. Casper.... About this 3rd honk thing... it still going to happen?? I like the teaser story on the site....
  11. Thanks... want to buy it lol???
  12. Rhett

    My New Ride

    Bad Ass... I like it! Good pic btw. What you got going in on tuesday?
  13. It will Skeet stars on our vehicles??
  14. Mr. Garrison's.... Capeable of 300mpg and speeds of over 200mph.... The Vehicle called "IT" The throttle is a dildo on the left, steering dildo on the right, and a dildo up front for the turn signals, and one that is a Self Inserting Anal Dildo for... stabilization..... I GIVE YOU "IT" http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/RhettMalo/IT.jpg
  15. Ok, Was the movie any good??? BTW this smile is f'n awesome. http://smiliesftw.com/x/lamseywoot2wj7.gif
  16. I think killjoy is right.... i will have pics up later with it next to the original stock.
  17. SOLD mosin nagant 91 30 Made in 1944 Found in a salt mine in Russia and Bought from Ohio Vally... It was in a crate coverd in grease. I have put about 50 rounds through it. I also have put a modern stock on it. I still have the original wood stock and all the rings. $180 http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/RhettMalo/SnowBoardandsale050.jpg http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/RhettMalo/SnowBoardandsale051.jpg http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/RhettMalo/SnowBoardandsale053.jpg Thanks for looking
  18. Cool Thanks.. Who wants to buy it now??? Like this week?$1,500!!!
  19. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a235/RhettMalo/SnowBoardandsale039.jpg So which One???
  20. We use the hand held one at Lifestyle Family fitness, it is acurate within 3% so if it says 16% you could be that or 13% or 19% but if you check in a month later and it says you are 3% less you have lost 3%.
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