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Everything posted by Luna

  1. Hi. Although I signed up for OhioRiders in June 2010, I have not been active on the forums. 2012 will be my third season of riding my 2008 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Classic LT. I bought my bike in 2010 with 3 miles on it and now have almost 25,000 in two seasons. I came to riding later in my life and have fallen totally in love with it, even on the bad weather days. In my first season of riding my great mentors dragged me through southeast Ohio, including S.R. 555, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Tennessee in preparation for the long hall from Columbus to Sturgis. I learned what monkey butt meant after a few 600+ mile days. I appreciate whatever bike anyone rides as we all enjoy different rides, different adventures. For me, riding is Zen.
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