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Posts posted by ZachOwesMeNow

  1. I don't know many people in Ohio who actually follow any Cleveland sports teams. They're all like this huge disappointment. The Indians, the Browns, the Cavaliers... if they didn't all just really suck, we wouldn't know what to do with ourselves. Thank God for Cinci. At least they sometimes win a few games.

    Yea I don't blame them, the Cincy teams are much more watchable. The funny thing is that all of the Cleveland teams have showed some promise over the past few years, only to regress pretty quickly. The Indians had a great young core who have all just either taken a huge step back or been plagued with injuries, the Browns won 10 games a few years ago but have been a mess at QB for a while, and obviously the Cavs were a great regular season team with LeBron (postseason not so much).

  2. Zach seems nicer here, for some reason. It's weird. It's like an alternate universe, where shit is the same, only different. I like it.

    Bizarro Zach?

    Hello all I'm Mike, also an SVR guy, I didn't make my own thread because I doubt it would have trumped Trambo's, so here I am. I'm from NY, a Mets fan, so i've had my share of pain as well. I too ride an sv (the 650 girls version :D). This thread was a fun read, you guys seem like you have a great community here.

    P.S. Sorry about LeBron :facepalm:

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