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Posts posted by CATAPLT

  1. Just ran up to state 8 to look at a new jacket (its been getting cold at night). Anyway, I ran into Rob Blais, the course director for all there riding schools. He did my MSF course at the beginning of the season.

    There last Total Control class for the year is tomarow and they have a ton of empty slots. I have been wanting to take this class, but was afraid of signing up and then having a bad weather day... well tomarow is looking pretty good lol. Normal price 325, he said he'll do anybody for 295 as they are so short on people. I signed up.

    So if anybody wants to go there and learn to ride faster, get a knee down..... whatever. Now is a sweet time. Rob gave me his personal cell phone number and asked if nobody calls after 9pm. (deleted number). His name is Rob, super nice guy and sign up. I am sure it's gonna be a blast. Class starts at 7:45am behind the old boot scootin saloon next to state 8.

    Hope to see some peeps there.

    sorry for bailing onya inya (<=== lol).. we will hook up. Still riding on sunday

  2. New guy here, very interested in going with. Not sure how I stack up as far as speed goes. Double the speed limit through most turns and not really into going fast in the straights, but whatever.

    Was planning on going down and doing 255 and that nasty one down rt7 from it (573 i think). but 260/26 is always fun.

    I usually ride down and back 600 mile days is my normal, but I have a truck and trailer. Pay for 1/2 the diesel and we can do it that way. I am sure we can fit 6 bikes on my trailer (6 people in the truck is gonna suck).

    Were is the meeting spot? I would like to go either way with or without the truck. If you guys want to use the truck, let me know by friday morning as the plates are expired on the trailer and i may need to pick up more straps. I am in Medina, ohio. 224 and 71 area.

    Heck, just call me (440)915-7774. Leave a message or i'll never call you back lol.


  3. Did the 555 last weekend, heard so much about it that I had to go and see for myself.

    After sepnding pretty much every weekend this summer on 255/260/26/276 I was pretty unimpressed with the 555. The best parts of the roads (witch are awsome) are covered in half paved asphalt and gravel. Unmarked off camber turns over a blind hill.... eek! I won't go back to that road by myself anyway. Plus there is a real tight section of 255 that goes up a hill and back down the other side (you'll remember the section) that I think is as good if not better then anything on 555 even if it was repaved.

    I will certainly be heading down to 255 again this weekend just like every.

  4. I love the idea of this game and ride a lot and would love a reason to ride more, but I have no idea were some random picture of a church or covered bridge is or how to get there. Makes the game a little slow paced.

    So since you guys are suggesting changing the game i'll throw my .02$ in.

    Back in my offroad days we played a tag like game with GPS locations instead. We had one of those .99$ notbooks in a plastic bag that we would stash at the gps location. We then had two forum sections for it. One was only for the location and that was all that was allowed to be posted example: "it's at GPS location N 8*.****** W ******* behind the dumpster" and a second forum to discuss what was in the notebook. Everybody would add something to the notebook, but what was actually written in it not allowed to be told Example "OMG, thats the funniest thing on page 12, kinda gross but funny" that way the only way to know was to get the book.

    It did come up missing a few times, but nobody really had a problem with replacing it. For a while we even ended with two when the first was considered lost becuase a lazy poster took a week to let people know he had it.

    Just a thought.

  5. Just got back, also did the route solo. I left about 11:30. Awsome weather the entire time. Amazing route. 436 or so miles. Whatever the first newly paved street was. Mabye 376? was my favorite part of the ride. 255 had a few turns that I think mabye the locals switched the signs around on lol, and 260... well what can be said, amazing

    Anybody notice the "fight club" house in killbuck? or the red eyed cement rhinoceros in somebodies yard... stuff cracks me up.

    And just so I am not OT at this point I have Roadsmarts with 4000+ on them just starting to flat spot.

  6. I have never been on a group ride before, but I am planning on doing this route on sunday. I loaded into my tomtom and plan on leaving from medina around 10am. I have never used my tomtom on my bike or loaded a itenerary into it before. I expect to get lost, but that is half the fun I guess.

    If anybody wants to leave that late I would love to ride with another person.

    I work nights and usually get up around 1pm. 10am is super early for me. 8am is just out of the question.

  7. Hello all,

    New to riding and new to the site. Been riding for 3 months now about 5k miles or so. Took the MSF. My bike is a 05 Yamaha FZ1.

    Came across this site from a link posted on a local car forum the other day. Don't know anybody who rides and figured mabye I could meet some people here.

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