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Everything posted by crackpantspaintr

  1. So even tho i crashed it is a huge testament for yourself to ride in the rain, the couple sessions i did ride in the rain it was scray and fun at the same time, I would totally try it
  2. so coming from a complete newbie, rain tires... completely worth the ridiculous price at the track! I high sided turn 3 at Road America on BT-016 wish i would have bought rain tires
  3. I'm pumped to ride, that video, the mc show last weekend, I need to ride
  4. Do the moto series guys have good instructors? I have been to a few trackdays already but I love having an instructor tell me what im doing wrong, I had 1 with STT that was a crack head until i moved to a dif group and he was the sh*t. Nesba instructors seemed cool but they were more focused on the "faster" guys as oppose to me who wants to get faster
  5. I also will be there 4th year in a row. Tickets are already purchased now a hotel.
  6. Anyone know of a place around Columbus that might be able to check my swingarm and or frame for straightness. Been down a couple times at the track and want to check everythign before the new season. Thanks
  7. pretty thankful for rubber...a kinds of fun with it oh and wood tires would suck
  8. Red Oak...only offered in the Greensboro area of North Carolina
  9. yeah at 12k one could serious debate buying a Duc or even a liter bike
  10. where the heck did Haga come from? 3 podiums after a season of not really being in the top ten? Did he finally get Ben nightmares out of his dreams?
  11. Yeah unfortunately i can keep giving poor excuses like work. New job, vacation this soon just looks bad. But i will keep that offer in mind for when april rolls around.
  12. Umm yes.. but I can't promised the g/f no more track for the rest of the season. This move has been a pain in my life not just the ass
  13. Hello, my name is Kellen and I am new to the forum and new to Ohio. I moved to DUblin, Oh from Milwaukee, WI in the beginning of July. I have been riding for about 4 yrs now. 2 summers with a Buell Blast and now 3 summers with my beloved 07 GSXR 600. Motorcycling is basically the only thing that is on my mind unless something else is forced into my mind like work or any other life related activities. I have done 5 trackdays now. 4 at Road America in Wisconsin and 1 at BlackHawk Farms in Northern IL. Futuring riding plans will be making my GSXR track only and getting another bike for the street. I would like do to at least 5 track days next summer. Otherwise been bored with the roads around Dublin and looking for a spirited road that is closer than Hocking Hills.
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