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Posts posted by blackstar847

  1. Curby you're good with me man!

    @ Judgedredd

    I'm not srue where you light is mounted exactly but you can move it all the way against the mag well. You just have to remove the lil part circled here. It's on by two phillip screws. I called the dealer and they said that bracket is not needed (I called work and none of our car mounts have them.) If you're interested I can ship for $15


  2. RIFLE IS SOLD friend from a neighboring pd picked it up this morning. Mount is still for sale. As far as it moving I have no clue, I will look when I get home to see if it will adjust. It was originally installed in my car by the guys who installed the mounts in our cruisers I gave them my rifle and they did the rest! I should be home by 1 today to look.

  3. Yup. Just like carrying it in a case it just can't be loaded. And this way is much faster to get it out with just hitting a little button it unlocks! The rack was mounted in my Audi so when it came out of cruiser into my car and then back real easy!

  4. Alright curby changed his mind. I'll post pics as soon as I get home. Also Flounder it wont let me pm you. Says I can only PM people once every 2+hrs :( I live up an Kent and noticed ur area code is from C-bus. Only way I could make that work is for the full $800 and meet half way.

  5. Curby you have a PM. If for some reason Curby falls threw I will post pics! While I'm on here I will toss out I have my car mount for sale too. $150 can be opened with a cuff key or you can wire a switch to it. I have a brand new switch. Easy way to mount you rifle securely in a trunk or behind a seat in a truck. Will take offers but it cost a LOT more than $150 for one!

  6. Hey guys I'm the guy with the AR! A little back ground I'm ex-army current LEO I carried this rifle on Duty for the last year in my patrol car. The only times it has been shot was to zero and then to qualify. I paid roughly $1,100 + tax when I bought it. The rifle has been very well taken care of. You'll get 3 magpul mags for sure. If I can locate the other 2 you will get them but since we can only carry 3-30 round mags on duty I never opened them up and have since moved so they can be anywhere! Thanks to a ton of friends they have blasted this on car forums bike pretty much every where. The current offer for it is sitting at $700 from a friends brother. Thanks for looking guys and if you have any questions please let me know!


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