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About pt377

  • Birthday 12/02/1987

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  • Vehicles(s)
    2006 650r ninja

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  1. Since Quaker steak and lube is closed. Hubbs is the only other one I know about. Are there any more?
  2. This was on Reddit today, I am not the OP. I asked them if I could share it here, which they said yes. http://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/1wgyva/hes_either_crazy_hardcore_or_his_car_was_in_the/
  3. Aggree with BAD trash it and get a roll or spray on. Thats If you want a bed liner. Reason being! The 'dropsame in liners can hold water under them lettung rust start and then you will have problems. The spray or roll on will keep the water off the metal and still give you the protection your looking for.look it up pn youtube and you can make it look like a $500 rhino lining with $70 of work.
  4. About 10 cops a side in the Downtown area on 35 DO NOT SPEED!!!! I'm sure they have the state plane out there as well, I did not see it. So If you dont see a cop does not mean they dont see you!!!
  5. They have the helmet I want for a way better price then MSS and they have a video of almost every item.. A+ just for that!
  6. Its wasn't of the challenge any ways.
  7. Stupid GIF is not working so... heres a link http://awesomegifs.com/wp-content/uploads/lord-voldemort-no-you-didnt.gif
  8. I vote yes! Energy truck HERE WE GO! +1:confused:
  9. Inside or outside Jk. we know you mean inside.
  10. Thanks guys! Next Water fountain.
  11. Your right I Failed. I was thinking Mack truck when I was out and forgot to double check
  12. Fail post / wrong kind of "MAC" truck LOL
  13. There is a dealer about 20 mins away from my house SO IF I get out Ill get it LOL
  14. Cheater... JK.. whats next captain?
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