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Everything posted by morgue

  1. http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs301.snc3/28670_10150180194290284_730215283_12406232_864496_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs321.snc3/28670_10150180194140284_730215283_12406229_6945344_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs330.ash1/28670_10150180193485284_730215283_12406217_6471907_n.jpg http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs330.ash1/28670_10150180193315284_730215283_12406212_4709086_n.jpg
  2. Oops, cell didnt refresh last post
  3. Ill take a few here at work n post them. Up... they will be taken from my htc so shouldnt be too bad. Gimme a sec
  4. And thats understandable, everyones entitled to their opinion. I was refering to the ppl who show up with fart canned cars and act out and gets ppl kicked out, which happens at almost every meet ive been to.
  5. Im diggin the truck, my upcoming proj is a F/I 440.
  6. Bmx, i can pedal faster than my rex
  7. thanks bud, finally a non-flaming answer... i knew CR has some mature members somewhere. Anyhow hopefully i get to meet some of you peeps soon, just looking for a few cruising buddies
  8. If you read the post above, you will notice that i no longer have the legacy... i built a wrx, comprehension fail
  9. Tis I.. but that project is over, i built a wrx. I live near capital university
  10. If ur that full of it, then shit u may...
  11. Eh flaming is tolerated, i do have a sense of humor... lol but im tired of car meets with "kids" and their fisher price cars giving innocent car enthusiest a bad name. Just my 2cents
  12. Pretty much new to CR and just lookin for some other cars to cruise w. sometime. I work from 8 to 430 daily, but after that im normally out driving. anything goin on tonite?
  13. not really, but wasnt sure if that was the ONLY place to get some quality work in the Central Ohio area... Great.. well, thats another +1 - do i just call for quotes?
  14. yea they are actual "Darton" sleeves. i figured that thre has to be some other way besides shipping to Darton to have the sleeves put in. Theres no way that Darton is the only place in the US doing reliable sleeving... hopefully
  15. I am looking for a shop to do some boring and honing on two subaru blocks, as well as some head work on a set of EJ20 heads. Engine block 1 - Boring for darton sleeves (102mm) Engine block 2 - Boring and honing for 100mm Heads - +1mm oversize and slight decking Ive heard a quite a few people mention M&M in Delaware but if theres any other reliable places a bit closer, than i'll check them out as well. But so far M&M seems to be my only solution. And also if anyone locally does sleeving... Any input?
  16. thx for the CR love, i look forward to some future meets
  17. Hey CR, my name is Kris and i drive a 91 Subaru Legacy... Gay... right? Well i bought the car for $600, found out that the Sti headers bolt up.. and hundreds of dollars later, i had gone from N/A to F/I - w00oT - Power plant was: a EJ22 (2.2 liter) but after blowing that up twice, and scouring for parts because of the engine being so old, ive decided to get a EJ257 (Sti) block and bore for more power. re-doing EMs system and going meth inj as well with cp100mm pistons manley rods and bc 280 cams.. well as car sits right now, front mount off and stripped of piping and motor>>> http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk237/hotboy45418/DSC_08773.jpg ive been to polaris several times and im quite sure ive talked to alot of people from here, just tryin to meet some other kewl gear heads like myself
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