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Posts posted by ohiozx3

  1. your attacking me like im saying i dont want it to happen, go back and read my shit before jumping all over me. i said im all for carrying, i want it to go through so i can carry my gun anywhere i please. and i didnt say anywhere that other states had any problems. im saying that someone is going to break the law and they are going to jump all over the people who do follow the law like myself.

  2. If law abiding people will follow the law to not carry there now, why can they not follow the law to carry but not drink? Also no other state that allows this has any issues because of it.

    its easy to put the gun in the glove box and go in and have a drink, it would be much harder to walkin with the gun and not have one. some people will show restraint and not drink. others wont.

  3. im not opposed, at stated above i am all FOR carrying. i asked if people think this bill will pass. i just see people carrying guns in a bar or stadium even though they arent supposed to drink, they will. who goes to a bar to NOT drink. i wonder that if this bill passes and some asshole takes his gun to a bar and ends up shooting someone if this will screw over all the people who obey the laws and set everything back.

  4. anyone think this bill will pass? guns in bars clubs and stadiums can lead to alot of problems. i for one am all for carrying, but alcohol and guns dont seem like they will mix well.

  5. no i didnt get the glock, i wanted to do some research on it before i picked one up. im also considering waiting until a gunshow comes back around, they usually will barter with you might be able to get it a little cheaper.

  6. i went to go pick up an SR9 today and the salesman talked me out of it, i was also considering a glock 17 3rd gen, and after holding and comparing them side by side, i liked the glock grip better and it was a little lighter, it also broke down alot easier for cleaning. i still like the ruger alot, it looks alot nicer and its 100 cheaper than the glock.

  7. im still considering a glock because of the ammount of customization that can be done to it. but the ruger just looks so much nicer and i already own a ruger and its been a great gun for me, so i really trust the name.

  8. anyone have a Ruger SR9? im thinkin about picking one up, it has great reviews and it rivals the glock 17's, and its way better priced. id really like to shoot one first but i trust the ruger name so ill probably end up getting one at a gun show in the near future.

  9. i just like the look of the katanas. but i have been also looking into a cbr or r6. cost is gonna play a big issue, gotta find one pretty cheap cuz i cant finance it.

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